Robert Ludlum's (TM) The Bourne Objective Read online

Page 14

  “I’m not sure, either, but what the fuck, it’s too late to stop now.”

  “It is, isn’t it?” Arkadin took out a pack of Turkish cigarettes and offered one to the colonel.

  “I’m trying to cut down on my bad habits.”

  “A futile preoccupation.”

  “Say that when you have high blood pressure.”

  Arkadin lit up, put the pack away, and took a deep drag. As the smoke drifted out of his nostrils, he said, “Melor Bukin, your boss, reports to Maslov.”

  Karpov’s eyes blazed. “You shit, are you fucking with me again?”

  Without a word Arkadin dug out the plastic bag he’d stowed in the bottom of the ice chest, zipped it open, and handed over the contents. Then he added several pieces of driftwood to the fire, which was waning.

  Karpov moved a bit nearer to the fire in order to have a better look. Arkadin had handed him one of those cheap cell phones bought in any convenience store, a burner, which meant its calls couldn’t be traced. He thumbed it on.

  “Audio and video,” Arkadin said as he used a stick to better arrange the wood. Planning for this day or one like it, he had used this cell to clandestinely record certain meetings between Maslov and Bukin that he’d attended. He knew there would be no doubt in the colonel’s mind when he finished viewing the evidence.

  At length, Karpov looked bleakly up from the tiny screen. “I’ll need to keep this.”

  Arkadin waved a hand. “All part of the service.”

  Somewhere far off, the drone of a small plane came to them, a sound no more significant than a mosquito’s whine.

  “How many more?” Karpov asked.

  “I know of two—their names are in the phone’s directory—but there may be more. I’m afraid you’re going to have to ask your boss.”

  Karpov’s brow furrowed. “That won’t be easy.”

  “Even with this evidence?”

  Karpov sighed. “I’m going to have to take him by surprise, cut him off completely before he has a chance to contact anyone.”

  “Chancy,” Arkadin said. “On the other hand, if you go to President Imov with the evidence he’ll be so outraged he’s sure to let you do whatever you want with Bukin.”

  Karpov appeared to be considering this approach. Good. Arkadin smiled inwardly. Melor Bukin had risen up through the apparatchik ranks mainly because of the president, before he’d been chosen by Viktor Cherkesov, the head of FSB-2. Inside the Kremlin a war was being waged between Cherkesov and the FSB’s Nikolai Patrushev, a well-known disciple of Imov’s. Cherkesov had built a formidable power base without the president’s patronage. Arkadin had his own reason for wanting Bukin disgraced. When Karpov threw Bukin in prison, his mentor, Cherkesov, would not be far behind. Cherkesov was the one thorn in his side he hadn’t been able to extricate, but now Karpov would take care of that for him.

  Yet he had no time to gloat. His restless mind had already turned to more personal matters. Namely, the various routes he might take to avenge himself on Karpov for holding a knife to his throat. His mind was already afire with visions of slitting the colonel’s throat with his own razor blade.


  MOIRA AND JALAL Essai sat together in the temporary quarters of his DC hotel suite. Between them were Essai’s netbook and the netbook that Moira had bought the day before, one she knew was absolutely clean. She had already souped it up far beyond its original specs.

  She was going to ask him how to get started, because she had to assume that all her systems had been compromised, but she needn’t have bothered. As it turned out he had a lot of information about the laptop, all of which he shared with her. Latterly it had fallen into the hands of Gustavo Moreno, a Colombian drug lord living in the outskirts of Mexico City. Moreno had been killed some months ago when his compound had been raided by a party of officers disguised as Russian oilmen.

  “The raiding party was headed by Colonel Boris Karpov,” Essai said.

  Curious, Moira thought. But then she knew how small and insular this world was. She knew about the colonel from Bourne; they were friends, as much as two people like that could be friends.

  “So Karpov has the laptop.”

  “Unfortunately, no,” Essai said. “The laptop was taken from Moreno’s compound, by one of his own people, sometime before the raid.”

  “One of his own people who was obviously working for who—a rival?”

  “Possibly,” Essai said. “I don’t know.”

  “What’s the thief’s name?”

  “Name, photo, everything.” Essai turned the laptop’s screen toward her and brought up the image. “But it’s a dead end, literally. His body was found a week after the raid.”

  “Where?” Moira said.

  “Outside of Amatitán.” Essai pulled up Google Earth and punched in a set of coordinates. The globe of the planet revolved until the northwest coast of Mexico came into view. He pointed. Amatitán was in Jalisco, in the heart of tequila country. “Right here. As it happens on the estancia of Moreno’s sister, Berengária, although now that she’s married Narsico Skydel, the tequila magnate, she goes by the name of Barbara Skydel.”

  “I seem to recall a memo at Black River about Narsico. He’s the cousin of Roberto Corellos, the jailed Colombian drug lord, isn’t that right?”

  Essai nodded. “Narsico has been trying to distance himself from his infamous cousin for some time. He hasn’t been back in Colombia in ten years. Five years ago, apparently finding it too difficult to outrun his family’s reputation, he changed his name and bought into the largest tequila distillery in Mexico. Now he owns it outright and over the past two years has been expanding its reach.”

  “Marrying Berengária couldn’t have helped him,” Moira pointed out.

  “I don’t know. She’s proved herself to be a shrewd businesswoman. Most people’s best guess is that she’s the one behind the expansion. I think she’s more willing to take calculated risks than he is, and so far she hasn’t made a single misstep.”

  “How was her relationship with Gustavo?”

  “By all reports the two siblings were close. They bonded early, after their mother died.”

  “Do you think she was involved in his business?”

  Essai folded his arms over his chest. “Difficult to say. Whatever involvement she might have had was certainly not evident, there’s nothing whatsoever to link her with Gustavo’s drug trafficking.”

  “But you did say that she was a canny businesswoman.”

  He frowned. “You think she had the mole inside her own brother’s shop?”

  Moira shrugged. “Who can say?”

  “Neither of them would be that stupid.”

  Moira nodded. “I agree, though if someone wants us to think one of them had the mole murdered, it seems talking to them would be useful. But first I want to pay a visit to Roberto Corellos.”

  Essai smiled the dark smile that chilled Moira’s soul. “I think, Ms. Trevor, that you’ve already begun to earn your fee.”

  Bourne and Chrissie were on their way back in a driving rainstorm that had come upon them virtually without warning when Bourne’s cell rang.

  “Mr. Stone.”

  “Hello, Professor,” Bourne said.

  “I have some news,” Giles said. “I’ve received an e-mail back from my chess partner. It seems that he has solved the riddle of the third word.”

  “What is it?” Bourne asked.


  “Dominion,” Bourne repeated. “So the three words engraved on the inside of the ring are: Severus Domna Dominion. What does it mean?”

  “Well, it could be an incantation,” Giles said, “or an epithet, a warning. Even—and I’m being deliberately fanciful here—the instructions for turning lead into gold. Without additional information I’m afraid there’s no way of knowing.”

  The road ahead was smeared with rain, the wipers slapped back and forth on their prescribed arc. Bourne checked the side mirror, as he did automatically
every thirty seconds or so.

  “There is an interesting tidbit about Ugaritic my friend provided, though I can’t see how it’s relevant. The basis of its interest for him and his colleagues is that there are documents—or fragments thereof—they claim come from the court of King Solomon. It seems that Solomon’s astrologers spoke Ugaritic amongst themselves, that they believed in its alchemical powers.”

  Bourne laughed. “With all the legends of King Solomon’s gold, I can see where the scientists of an early age believed alchemy was the key to turning lead into gold.”

  “Frankly, Mr. Stone, I told him the same thing.”

  “Thank you, Professor. You’ve been most helpful.”

  “Anytime, Mr. Stone. A friend of Christina’s is a friend of mine.”

  As Bourne put away his cell, he saw that the black-and-gold truck that had pulled into their lane three vehicles back some minutes ago was now right behind them.

  “Chrissie, I’d like you to get off the motorway,” he said quietly. “When you do, pull over.”

  “Are you feeling all right?”

  He said nothing, his eyes flicking to the side mirror. Then he reached out and stopped her from using the turn signal. “Don’t do that.”

  Her eyes opened wide and she gave a little gasp. “What’s going on?”

  “Just do what I tell you and everything will be all right.”

  “Not reassuring.” She moved into the left-hand lane as the next exit sign became visible through the rain. “Adam, you’re scaring me.”

  “That wasn’t my intention.”

  She took the ramp, which immediately curved around to the left, and pulled onto the shoulder. “Then what is your intention?”

  “To drive,” he said. “Move over.”

  She got out of the Range Rover, covered her head, which was tucked down between her hunched shoulders, and went around, jumping into the passenger’s side. Her door was not even fully closed when Bourne saw the truck making its way around the curve of the off-ramp. Immediately he put the vehicle in gear and pulled out.

  The truck was directly behind him as if tethered to the Range Rover with a grappling hook. Bourne put on a burst of speed, went through a light on the red, then onto the motorway’s entrance ramp. Traffic was moderate and he was able to weave in and out of the lanes. He was just thinking that a truck was an impractical vehicle to pursue them when a gray BMW pulled up abreast of them.

  As the window slid down, Bourne yelled for Chrissie to get down. He pushed her, then bent low over the wheel as gunshots shattered his side window, showering him with glass pellets and fistfuls of rain. At that moment he saw the black-and-gold truck coming up fast behind him; they meant to box him in.

  Both vehicles rocked back and forth, their sides scraping together dangerously. Bourne risked a glance in the rearview mirror. The black-and-gold truck was right on their tail.

  “Brace yourself,” he said to Chrissie, who was bent over as far as her seat belt would allow, her arms over her head.

  He angled the car, then slammed on the brakes. For a split second the Range Rover skidded on the wet tarmac, then he had compensated. The offside rear bumper crumpled on impact with the truck, the Range Rover swerved at a sharp angle so that, as he had calculated, the driver’s-side rear bumper plowed into the BMW with tremendous force, as if it had been shot out of a cannon. Impelled by the crash, the BMW veered hard right and, out of control, slammed into the guardrail with such force that the entire driver’s side was staved in. A fireworks of sparks, a shrieking of tortured metal as the BMW bounced off the guardrail and spun. The front end was heading directly for the Range Rover and Bourne turned the wheel hard to the right, cutting off a yellow Mini. There was a horrific screech of tires, horns blared, fenders were dented or flattened in a chain reaction. Bourne accelerated into the gap, switched lanes again, then as he cleared more of the traffic moved back across to the fast lane.

  “Jesus,” Chrissie whispered. “Jesus Christ.”

  The Range Rover was still rocking on its shocks. Bourne could no longer see the smashed-up BMW or the black-and-gold truck in the rearview mirror.

  After a crash or an accident, even a near miss, everything goes quiet, or possibly the human ear, traumatized like the rest of the organism, goes temporarily deaf. In any event, it was dead silent in the SUV as Bourne exited the motorway, turned off the access road as soon as he could, and rolled along streets lined with wholesalers and warehouses, where no one shouted in fear, no horns blared angrily or brakes screeched, where order still reigned and the chaos of the motorway seemed to belong to another universe. He didn’t stop until he found a deserted block and pulled over.

  Chrissie was silent, her face dead white. Her hands trembled in her lap. She was near to weeping with both terror and relief.

  “Who are you?” she said after a time. “Why is someone trying to kill you?”

  “They want the ring,” Bourne said simply. After what had just happened she deserved at least a modicum of the truth. “I don’t know why yet, I’m trying to figure that out.”

  She turned to him. Her eyes had paled, too, or perhaps that was simply a trick of the light. Bourne didn’t think so.

  “Was Trace involved with this ring?”

  “Maybe, I don’t know.” Bourne started the car and pulled out into the street. “But her friends were.”

  She shook her head. “This is all going much too fast for me. Everything’s turned upside down, I can’t seem to get my bearings.”

  She ran her hands through her hair, then noticed something odd. “Why are we heading back toward Oxford?”

  He gave her a wry look as he headed toward the on-ramp of the motorway. “Like you, I don’t like people shooting at me.

  “I need to get a better look at the BMW and our friend inside.” Noting her terrified expression, he added, “Don’t worry. I’ll get out near the crash site. Are you okay to drive?”

  “Of course.”

  He turned left and rolled onto the motorway, in the direction of Oxford. The worst of the rain had drifted away; only a light drizzle remained. He slowed the wipers down. “I’m sorry for the damage.”

  She shuddered and gave him a grim smile. “It couldn’t be helped, could it?”

  “When is Scarlett due back from your parents’ house?”

  “Not until next week, but I can pick her up anytime,” she said.

  “Fine.” Bourne nodded. “I don’t want you to go to your house in Oxford. Is there someplace else you can stay?”

  “I’ll go back to Tracy’s flat.”

  “That’s out, as well. These people must have picked me up there.”

  “What about my parents’ house?”

  “That’s no good, either, but I want you to pick Scarlett up from them and go somewhere else, somewhere you haven’t been before.”

  “You don’t think—?”

  Very deliberately, he produced the Glock he’d found in Perlis’s flat and placed it in the glove compartment.

  “What are you doing?”

  “We were being followed, possibly all the way from Tracy’s flat. There’s no point in taking a chance these people know about Scarlett—and where your parents live, for that matter.”

  “But who are they?”

  He shook his head.

  “This is a nightmare, Adam.” Her voice was brittle, as if her words were made of glass. “What on earth was Trace mixed up in?”

  “I wish I had an answer for you.”

  Traffic on the opposite side of the motorway was at a standstill, which told him that they were nearing the crash site. Directly ahead the vehicles on their side were all but inching along, which would make it less difficult for him to get out and for Chrissie to take the wheel.

  “What about you?” she asked as he put the Range Rover in neutral.

  “Don’t worry about me,” he said. “I’ll make my way back to London.” Her worried expression revealed that she didn’t believe him. He gave her his cell num
ber. But when he saw her dig a pen out of her handbag he added, “Memorize it, I don’t want you writing it down.”

  They got out of the Range Rover and she slid behind the wheel. “Adam.” She reached out and grabbed his arm. “For God’s sake, take care of yourself.”

  He smiled. “I’ll be fine.”

  But she wouldn’t let him go. “Why are you pursuing this?”

  He thought about Tracy dying in his arms. He carried her blood on his hands.

  Ducking his head through the window, he said, “I owe her a debt I can never repay.”

  Bourne vaulted over the median onto the other side of the rain-slick motorway. As he approached the crash site his mind was racing, taking in the welter of ambulances, emergency vehicles, and police cars. The personnel had come from all over the surrounding area, which was a stroke of luck for what he had in mind. The crash site had not yet been cordoned off. He saw a body laid out on the ground, covered by a tarp. A squad of forensics personnel patrolled the area adjacent to the corpse, taking notes or digital photos, marking out small bits of forensic evidence with numbered plastic cones, and conferring among themselves. Each fragment of evidence—drops of blood, shards of a broken taillight, bits of shredded fabric, the litter of a shattered car window, an oil slick—was being photographed from several angles.

  Bourne moved to the side of one of the emergency vehicles and unobtrusively slipped into the cab, rooting through the glove compartment for a form of ID. Finding nothing there, he moved on to the sun visors. One of them had a rubber band around it. Pulling it down, he found several cards, one of which was an expired ID. It always amazed him that people grew so attached to their own history, they were reluctant to part with any tangible evidence of it. Hearing someone approaching, he grabbed a pair of latex gloves, slid over and out the other side. As he did so, he clipped the ID to his coat and walked purposefully into the melee of official personnel trying to make sense of the mess left on the smeared tarmac of the motorway.

  He squinted at the BMW; the guardrail had finally impaled it like a harpoon, wrecking it entirely. Bourne saw where he’d driven Chrissie’s car into the corner of the rear bumper. Squatting down next to it, he vigorously scrubbed off the few flecks of paint from her vehicle. He had just finished memorizing the plate number when a local police inspector crouched down beside him.